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Breakout Sessions

Kathy Pflaum has been a presenter at each of our five previous workshops. This time she will be giving a presentation on how to do wet felting. Kathy loves pushing her creative limits when she creates new pieces. Her works often incorporate all kinds of different fibers, and non-fiber elements as well. 
Kathy's works are shown in several galleries in Topeka, including the Topeka Art Guild. She has also been involved with the NOTO Arts Center 
Lois Herr has also shared her knowledge and talents with LFACT's programs. She is a part of the Topeka Handweavers and Spinners Guild, and through both organizations she shares all things weaving which reflect her love for weaving. She is planning to share how some different kinds of animal fibers work in different ways when weaving. 
Jan Eitel has previously given presentations at our workshops, but with plant fibers. She is enthusiastic about both. She recently returned from a workshop where she learned how use natural dyes on handspun and handwoven fibers to create beautifully colorful projects.
Meg Wickham has knowledge of animal fibers that we wouldn't automatically think of. She will share some of that knowledge, and also give a demonstration on drop spindle spinning.
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