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Saturday, February 15, 2025
8:30am - noon

Faith Lutheran Church
1716 SW Gage Blvd, Topeka

Schedule    8:30 - noon

8:30 - Registration in the church lobby.
8:45 - Overview of the morning in the Fellowship Hall
9:00 - 9:45 - Presentation by Nikaela Zimmerman in the Fellowship Hall.
10:00 - 10:45 - Session 1 of the small group presentations in various rooms.
10:45 - 11:15 - Cake Break, and Show & Tell in the Fellowship Hall.
11:15 - noon - Session 2 of the small group presentations. This will be a repeat of the first session in the same rooms.


Nikaela Zimmerman is the collections manager for the Kansas Museum of History. Her responsibilities include cleaning and preparing artifacts for storage or exhibition, managing the museum collections database, cataloging new donations, monitoring storage and exhibit environmental conditions, and answering questions from patrons. Nikaela has experience in working with collections in other museums before working in this capacity. She enjoys working closely with artifacts that have witnessed history and learning new facts about Kansas history. Currently, Nikaela is determining how to exhibit artifacts in the new gallery while keeping the preservation of these items in mind.

Nikaela will be talking about the collections at the museum, the different types of fiber materials that they have and how they go about preserving, storing and displaying them.

In the small group presentations, she will share how you can adapt the museum's preservation practices for your own materials. She will also answer questions you have about these materials that you have.
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